Human Rights

We are very attuned to the human rights issues of the child and have been working with various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to ensure that the protection of children is paramount as we make advancements in this project.  We plan on working with NGOs on the ground worldwide to ensure that the vulnerable children accepted into the program receive the best possible care and to ensure that human rights are preserved and protected.  To that end, with the help of human rights’ experts, we will be assessing each child on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with that child’s guardian to ensure that enrolling in the program is in his or her best interest.

We will also use credible governmental agencies to monitor the Foundation to ensure that human rights are being protected to the fullest extent possible.

Child Care

In respect of child care, the campus will have an on-site infirmary which will be staffed with at least one pediatrician, four nurses, two child psychiatrists and several counselors.  These professionals will all reside on campus.  Students will have access to medical care 24 hours a day, and the infirmary will house state-of-the-art equipment to accommodate common illnesses as well as medical emergencies.  We will make arrangements to a hospital in Florida to accommodate instances requiring specialized medical care and hospital facilities.

Family Support

We will pair each non-fee paying a student with a well-to-do family from his or her community who will provide emotional support to the student throughout his or her tenure.  This family will visit the student, talk to him or her on a regular basis, invite him or her over for holidays and provide nurturing and support.  This will allow students stability and a sense of community that might otherwise be lost residing on a campus away from family.

Further, the Foundation will spend resources providing the parents and families of our underprivileged students with marketable skills to make them productive members of society.  From a developmental perspective, we understand that it is not sufficient to help just the children, but that we need to focus on the family unit as a whole.